For all you 3DS owners out there with nothing to do, Crush 3D is now available on the Nintendo e-Shop. Released this week, Crush 3D is a remake of the original PSP game by the same developer. It's in the same vein as Fez where the object is to get around the world by rotating and flattening your characters perspective.

When I played the original game, I found the puzzle platformer to be frustrating and tedious. I remember the game checkpointing poorly and the UMDs taking a while to load. A lot of the focus was on collecting instead of being on finding a way to the exit. Finally the character design and world were pretty ugly to look at. I mean look at the original dude's face.

Flash forward to this week, the game now has gotten a graphical overhaul. It seems like the collection bubbles are still prevalent but steps have been taken to make it harder to mess up, ie. sticky ledges. The voice acting has been removed but that' not necessarily a negative seeing as the original audio wasn't that great to begin with.

But maybe I'm coming off too negative. The real reason I'm making this post is because I saw the games' price slashed down to 20 bucks next week. I'm thinking about picking it up and I could use you guys' opinion on the series.

So if you're a fan, tell me why. If you have a 3DS download the demo and let me know what you think.


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    12 years, 2 months ago

    Thanks David for covering this!

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    12 years, 2 months ago

    Just finished the demo and enjoyed it, dunno if I would spend 20 for the entire game based on the super short demo though, but if it was downloadable and under 10 I might consider it.

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    12 years, 2 months ago

    I tried the demo, and I liked it. It's certainly an interesting premise, and it could potentially use the 3D as well as Super Mario 3D Land did. I'm thinking of picking up the full game myself.