
I'm in a difficult situation here, folks.

You see, on the one hand, I have whined enough about not having Episode Two of Telltale's so-far excellent The Wolf Among Us that I am, more than most, obligated to step back and show you all when more is here. Any good commentator in a public forum should follow up on when his demands are met. That much is clear.

However, I don't want anything spoiled here. I want to go into Episode Two: Smoke and Mirrors totally fresh, unaware of everything about to happen. So I'm not going to actually watch this one minute, forty-one second long trailer. I'm going to comment on it blindly, and we'll see how far I get.


I think this was a pretty great trailer. Bigby's status as a protagonist of black and gray morality really looks like it'll be put to the test in this episode as evidenced by what appears to be a big conflict brewing. Telltale have really embraced their ability to weave stories which test our morals as players, and going by what is in this trailer, it should be here in spades. Also, the way the stylized art style of this franchise works with the events that unfold is really impressive and I think this trailer promises many awesome action-oriented sequences as well as moments of slow poignancy to come.

...How'd I do?


  • Avatar
    10 years, 4 months ago

    I dont want to spoil anything but I will say that Telltale games may benefit from more cel-shading similar to The Wolf Among Us in future releases.

  • Nathan Avatar
    10 years, 4 months ago

    Spot on description. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.